Bio-Energy sometimes called pure energy healing as a therapy is based on re-balancing the body’s energy field. The human body is comprised of bone and tissue with billions of cells making up our organs, skeletal system and body parts. We also have a “Life-Force” field of energy pulsing not only through our nervous system but throughout every cell that forms our overall organism.
The Bio-Energy therapist or practitioner acts as a channel or conduit for universal energy. The Bio Energy therapist / practitioner can learn the many simple techniques which are used to tune in with this life-force energy.
The therapist / practitioner then applies Bio-Energy techniques to help unblock and clear any blockages they may find on any level of the person’s energy field; physical, emotional or mental, that may be causing pain, sickness, illness or disease. The practitioner also applies Bio-Energy techniques to balance the overall energy field and help boost the immune system so that the person’s own natural ability to heal itself may be activated. Scientifically accepted that we are made of energy It has been scientifically established that we are all basically made of pure energy. This is our primal life force which holds us together and gives us life.

A field of energy surrounds the body called the etheric field and it is thought that disease and illness first originates in this field long before manifesting in the physical body. This field also referred to as the “Aura” is believed to be our protective layer providing defence against all forms of attack viral and bacterial. Our immune system also helps to protect us. It helps to eliminate tired, unhealthy and decayed cells from our body. When our immune system is working efficiently and our energy field is clear and in balance we are well and healthy.
Our cells, tissues and organs vibrate with energy. When we are healthy each cell in every part of our body is vibrating at its optimum frequency. Equally each organ is also operating at a particular frequency throughout the body. However when a particular area of the body is affected by sickness or disease, the cells are no longer working and vibrating at their normal healthy frequency and so the body may no longer be functioning at its optimum potential.
How it works
The Bio-Energy therapist learns the Bio-Energy protocols and techniques which enable them to influence and use this encompassing field of energy to bring about balance and harmony not only in their own body’s energy field but also how to help bring about harmony and balance on all levels of the other person’s energy field.